The International General Certificate of Secondary Education or IGCSE is an English language curriculum that was developed by a division of the University of Cambridge. Its goal is to use an international approach to developing skills and abilities for high school age kids in their preferred area of focus. The curriculum also allows for learners whose primary language is not English.

The Basics Of IGCSE

Mathematics, Languages, Humanities, Sciences, and Creative/Technical/Vocational are the subject groups that make up the IGCSE’s core curriculum. A minimum of five subjects are required, however, students can choose up to 14 subjects. 

The goal is to help students learn a wide variety of subjects but to also learn how to make connections between them. There are 70 subjects offered within the IGCSE. 30 of these are languages. 

With all of those subjects, how do you know what to choose?

Choosing Subjects

Before choosing subjects, students should have an idea of the direction they want to go for a career. The specific position doesn’t have to be nailed down entirely. A general idea of what field they’d like to work in is something that will help guide them towards the subjects needed to best prepare them for their futures.

When preparing to decide what subjects to take, you should do the following:

  • Take your time! Make sure you give yourself adequate time to think things over. Making choices in a rush is not a good idea.
    Talk to teachers and advisors
  • Talk to your parents
  • Read the syllabus for the subjects you are considering, or to browse subjects. This will help you know for sure what a subject covers and what to expect.

Factors To Consider

There are many different factors you should consider when choosing your IGCSE subjects.

  • What career field are you interested in pursuing?
  • Will certain courses help you gain experience that can be applied to that field?
  • Don’t avoid certain subjects because of who teaches them. Learning a subject is more important than your like or dislike of a certain teacher.
  • Don’t take a class just because your friends are taking it. Classes should be something that is going to help you on your career track, something you are really interested in, or both.
  • What level of abilities do you have? Are you skilled in a particular area?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to coursework?
  • Are you planning to attend a specific school or applying to a handful of schools? Are there any requirements that need to be met or subjects that the school or your choice favors?

As you can see, it’s important to take the time to think about what subjects you will choose for your IGCSE curriculum. While you are contemplating, remember, have a career goal in mind, ask for guidance from teachers, advisors, and parents, play to your strengths as well as strengthening your weaknesses, and if you have a school in mind, know their requirements and preferences. 

For more information on IGCSE subjects visit – IGCSE

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